ACM Digital Library

Communications of the ACM
Volume 48, Number 2 (2005), Page 14
President's letter: Why join ACM?
David A. Patterson

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Nearing the end of a talk I gave at Google recently, I turned to the subject of becoming a member of ACM. I've come to realize that some people are just joiners while others want to know what they get for their money. Baby boomers like me tend to be joiners, but everyone likely seeks good value.

After thinking about this issue for a while, I've concluded that joining ACM is wise regardless of your perspective: membership supports many vital services for computing and it provides the most economical way to remain up-to-date in this fast-moving field via its publications and the Professional Development Centre (PDC). Obviously, everyone receives all the rewards; joiners also enjoy a good return on their investment and value-seekers also learn the greater benefits of membership. Ironically, if you go to one conference or take one PDC course each year, membership saves money. Indeed, the membership fee is less than the ACM conference discount or the cost of one PDC course taken directly.

Since friends may ask why you joined ACM, I offer this dual-track figure to enhance your answer. If this logic is persuasive, they might actually thank you for convincing them to join.

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UF1Figure. Why Join ACM?

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